The Lightweight Equipment Co. (Era I)

Phillip Covell

As a founding member of the VFG team, I launched The Lightweight Equipment Co. as a VFG spin-off, providing corporate management, technical and creative production services for VFG group and its clients. I ran the company in this way from 1995 until 1998.


  • I spearheaded production services and agile management roles for VFG Group, contributing to growth of 93% as the company evolved into a multinational PLC with over 900 clients, 500 personnel, revenues exceeding £20M, and a valuation over £100M, financed by venture capital and an IPO.


  • Conducted smooth asset integration for over £4M worth of VFG acquisitions, as the group added five operations and 10 businesses to its portfolio, with additional responsibility for overseeing specialist operations.


  • Negotiated over £1M of technology procurement and disposals for VFG in the US marketplace.


  • Maintained and grew a Tier-1 client list of broadcasting corporations, production studios, and independent productions.


  • Conceived numerous advertising campaigns, developing VFG's marketing media and corporate communications.




BBC • Sky • Carlton TV • Channel 4 • Chrysalis • CMTV • Discovery • Fox TV • Granada TV • HTV • ITN • Thames TV • Meridian • Mentorn • MTV • NHK • RAI TV • RTE • RTL • Talkback • Warner Bros • ZDF...